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+86 138 6422 9896

Hockey is the oldest known ball and stick game: records exist of it being played in Persia in 2000 BC. 

Until the 1970s, the game at the international level was mainly played on natural grass, but the heavy turf made the game quite slow. 
When artificial grass was first used, the game suddenly became quicker and more exciting, giving birth to the modern game.

SinoTurf introduces HOCKEY Pro grass for the sports based on understanding to this game, we devote a little for the glory sport.

Curly Mono-filament


The curly yarn is produced by extreme high pressure air when it is in the shaping process.  

The curly yarn structure can create a better flat surface and better friction performance, it is a good character for theg rass which is used in Tennis, Hockey and Padel fields.

We are now proudly introducing BLUE and GREEN color grass into market.


